This policy is applicable to domestic US purchases only: Techderm will replace authentic devices and attachments eligible for warranty service with merchandise of equal or better quality. Every new upLift5 device sold includes a 60-day money-back guarantee and a two (2) year warranty covering any manufacturer related problems resulting from everyday use of the product. Warranties are only valid for items purchased through authorized sellers, returned within the warranty dates, and have a physical product purchase receipt from the location purchased. This warranty is void if the product has been subject to an accident, misuse, abuse, improper maintenance or repair, unauthorized modification, or any other use not found in the printed instructions.

For devices purchased outside of the US, International Returns and International Warranties: All product returns outside of the United States are per your place of purchase- spa, retailer or distributor. Please consult your receipt or place of purchase for their return and warranty policy.

Full Technical Specifications & Symbols (pdf)